My Educational Biography
I am Hafidz Qodli Abdillah, born in 15
Februari 1992, 22 years ago. I born, lived and grew in a beauty, peaceful, and
simple village. Its called Klampisan, Tondowulan, Plandaan, Jombang, East Java.
I lived there till 19 years old. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister, and i am the
second child in my family. I have studied there from elementary school, junior
high school, and senior high school.
When i was 19 years old, i decided to moved
and lived in Jakarta. I have studied in Bakrie University for 2 semesters.
Unluckly, i have to moved to another university, because i didn’t like and feel
unmatch with the subject. I took Industrial Engineering in Bakrie University.
In 2012 i decided to move to Mercu Buana University in Menteng, Jakarta. But
once again, i studied there even only 5 months.
In 2013 once again i decided to studied in
Gunadarma Univesity. I thought this is the last chance for me if i want to
study. I prefered Gunadarma University than the others because Gunadarma
University has been nominated as the best private university in Indonesia and
have been placed as the fifth rank national university in Indonesia.
I am very glad to study in Gunadarma
University. I have been taken Management of Economy faculty in Gunadarma
University. My GPA in first semester was 3.5 and now i am on progress to finish
my second semester. I hope i can finish my study here with the best GPA. And i
hope i can be a useful person around the society.