This is me!

Hello all, welcome to my personal blog. Enjoy my blog and don't forget to give my articles responses both negative and positive.

My Business!

It's all about my business, first time i learn and i do the business, profit and loss've ever tasted in business. This is some story about my business! Check this out!

Future Car

This is my future car! hehe, insha Alloh


Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Unforgettable Moment -Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2# (Past Tense)-

Scout! that was amazing experience for me.
in 2006, when i was in Junior High School, i was joining scout in there.
so many activites i have done, like fire camping, hiking, etc.
all activities i did with pleasure and exciting.
in 2007, second year of my scouting program, i representated my school to competate a regional scout championship. after i representated my school, i have to fight with other candidate from another school to representated in district Plandaan. i won that and i representated my district to competate in higher level, city area.
2 months have passed, finally i representated my city Jombang to competate in privince East Java.
in Selorejo, Malang, i have to cooperate with another scout from same city, we was there with 10 person as a team.
we have to fight with more than 30 cities to competate in various activities.
finally after 3 days we fight, we won the competition and went home with pride and pleasure.